Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Possible 5K to Consider

There is a 5k this Sunday near my neighborhood, and I searched the results from last year. Turns out I would have placed second in my age division, so I am considering the challenge this time around. Hopefully no big guns turn out, and I may get a potholder or something, lol!! My 5k time hasn't been a focus since before my last two marathons, but I think I can rally. We shall see. I have been working so hard on the multi-disciplines, that it's been nearly a year since I competed in a 5k.

I ran a modest 3.31 today with a slower than average pace and still had energy to spare for lats, chest, shoulders and back. Finished with some good hamstring exercises and quads. Life is good.

Thankfully the weather has been cool, inseasonably so. I am considering swimming in the late afternoon and churning out a mile.

Oh, by the way...I splurged last night and had a little ice cream cake. I am going to hell, lol!

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