Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Working out the kinks

I ran an easy 9/min mile 5k today--first run since the Goofy. My calves are a little tight, and my left foot, which tends to turn inward, is a little achey from transient tendonitis. Other than that, I enjoyed the run and I am ready to confront the Miami ING. I am prepared to shave some more time off my PR. Maybe I will have a shot of qualifying for Boston when I am 70, lol. I forced myself to do shoulders, back and chest--putting off core since I am still somewhat depleted from the weekend. There is a 5K here on Saturday--I usually do well with this particular race, but I can't even think about getting that speedy a week out of the Goofy. Bob has already said he will consider it. He is also toying with a 36 mile ultra on the beach from St. Augustine to Jacksonville. I may run to the 5K and run home for a total of around eleven miles. I will see how I feel when I wake up, lol.

Bob is convinced I would do well on a 50-mile ultra. The only thing left to do is pick a venue. I know I can do it, as long as it is not a trail run. The other obstacle is having Bob as a support and finding supervision for the kiddos. I could probably as some members of the group I sometimes run with for assistance, but I will cross that bridge whenn I come to it.