Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sweet Fourteen

But actually 13.98. Close enough. I completed it this morning with a 9.5 min/mile. I feel good, and I know I could have kept going. I am having some hip abductor issues, but they are probably transient and I needn't worry about it. So I face the dreaded 16/17 miler in two weeks. This time last year when I attempted the entire loop around Doctors' Lake, I hit the wall at mile 15. I was crying and staggering homeward. Bob actually came out to look for me, and picked me up at mile 16.5. That was supposed to be a 17 miler. I am going to attempt it again this year. Hopefully the weather will not be as formidable this time around. During that particular morning, the temps were in the upper eighties, with a heavy blanket of humidity weighing on my shoulders. Mother Nature didn't do me any favors by dousing me with a sheet of rain that lasted approximately three minutes as I floundered at mile 14. Can you say "rub"? The irony is, two weeks later I completed 19 miles with absolutely no problem. It's all downhill after that:).

The only complaint I have about my runs lately is the multitude of McCain/Palin signs littering every other front yard. Of course, the Obama signs have all been pilfered (including my own...didn't make it two days in my yard). I keep reminding myself about "sheep" mentality. After all, this is Clay County. Yee Haw.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fatigue and Good Running

I blew off speed training today. We actually did get up at 4 AM, got in the car, made it halfway there when I realized I didn't have my RUNNING SHOES!!!!!! I nabbed the wrong pair, and these particular shoes hurt my feet (weird that I grabbed them by accident). It wasn't worth the effort. I wasn't about to suffer through the laps with shoes that are too tight, especially with a Saturday run of 7 miles and a Sunday run of fourteen miles coming up. The man was happy to turn around, go home and crash again.

I have done some serious upper body work this last week, and all of my runs have been strong, fluid and effortless. I am sore today, and tired. These late nights working have challenged me somewhat, but when I get a nap in like today, it's not that much of a hindrance. I will do explosive training tomorrow, cycle on Friday, and embark on the all-too-familiar journey over 13.1.

Here I go again.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Walt Disney Marathon Hints For The Novice

Ready? Here goes:

1. Make sure you have your reservations to stay on site if you are coming from far away and/or you don't have a relative nearby. Staying off site is a bit of a pain in the ass for parking (and I promise you, it is). If you stay on site, you have a bus transport from every possible resort. They leave early as hell. Expect to be awake by 4 AM.

2. Be sure and take some extra food/fuel to the holding corral prior to the race, because you will be there FOREVER with a lousy band for your***AHEM***entertainment. The holding corral is a LARGE parking lot. Disney is great about your checked-in goods--so no worries there. There are plenty of port-a-potties.

3. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS register to the corral 30 minutes FASTER than what you expect to finish. For example--if you run a 3:45 marathon...make sure you register as a 3:15. No matter what, there are idiot walkers in the beginning more than a 4:00 marathon. The start is a total cluster fuck of walkers, and you will be easily aggravated. Once you are at the race--you can't advance to a faster corral, you can only go back.

4. NO NEED TO BRING Gu, GATORADE or WATER. There are plenty of water and Gatorade stops. They even have stations of bins of Gu/Gel in every flavor imaginable. You are well taken care of as a runner during this course.

5. REMEMBER--when you run through Cinderella's Castle, your BEST photo opportunity will be RIGHT there as you exit. Exactly when you get out of the tunnel, smile and do your best pose--that will be your stellar photo shot.

6. You will be running on a lot of slanted on and off exits on the road system surrounding the parks. This means you will be running at a slant and your toes will be taking the brunt of it. ONLY for the Disney would I recommend actually tightening your laces a little more than usual and applying Body Glide to your feet. You will thank me later.

7. You will be bottlenecked onto a walkway around mile 24/25--this will be frustrating. Just keep left as much as you can if you are still feeling powerful.

8. Your photo will be taken from above at the finish--so raise your arms and say "Hell Yeah!".

9. Weather is unpredictable--starts have been everywhere from the 40's to the 70's--bring "throwaway" sweats to leave at the side of the road if need be. Almost always, the weather warms up to a gradual warmth by the time you finish. I plan on wearing shorts and an exercise bra by the finish. Hubby will be shirtless.

Happy marathoning to you Disney Freaks!!!!! We will see you at the half and the full that week-end.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Half-Marathon PR

Well, damn it if I did exactly what I wasn't supposed to do, but I am no worse for wear because of it. My diaphragm has been giving me issues with cramping into my ribcage. Felt it last night, and I was awake since 3AM ruminating that I was going to suck major ass at the Marine Corps Half Marathon. Bob kept reminding me the point of the run was a training run, and that I had to remind myself of the six miles I finished in less than an hour yesterday.

We positioned ourselves midway toward the back at the start. I started off strong and faster than I should have--reaching mile 2 in 17 minutes. I had to slow down just a bit, and I cruised along. I saw a lot of friends and acquaintances at this point. I was pacing really well until I saw my friend at mile 5. She said she felt good, but that she had better slow down just a tad. Well, she didn't really take her own advice. I fell behind a little, I would catch up, she shared her Gu with me around mile 7. Then she passed me up again, and then I came upon her walking. I told her some words of encouragement. And I hung with her until just before mile 12.

Eventually she was lost behind me, and I felt a surge to get this race done. I sprinted the last mile and I believe my time will be somewhere 2:06-ish--I am still awaiting the results. That is a PR for me, and Bob may have had one as well. I feel good, the weather was fantastic, but those damn bridges are a BEAR. We saw all the folks from the running group, and we took photos.
I am now tired, and I have a party tonight.

Overall, this particular race is fun with a good showing. You do have to tackle the Main and Acosta bridges early in the race--and there is an uphill ramp around mile 11 that is a real challenge, but you are rewarded at the end with a walkway headed straight down--so it's a nice recovery sprint. A nice crowd greets you at the finish, and if you are lucky enough to have a doting husband--and ice cold beer!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Got Mojo?

I do!!! Yesterday was speed training, and damn if I am not feeling it today! We did 400X200 on account of the half marathon this weekend. I was MOTORING yesterday! I felt strong, and I was dwelling on the the fact that the half is a training run, rather than a race. I know the smartest approach is to remind myself that the risks outweigh the benefits if I go all out for the half. I have to concentrate on my two upcoming marathons--especially since I want not to suffer the Goofy Challenge so that the man and I can have a nice little getaway sans the children.

I am so freaking happy! Despite all that is going on in the world around us, I am doing well with my business, Bob is "therapizing" more than ever, and things are looking up up up for the upcoming holidays. I had to buy a new outfit for my high school reunion because the one I purchased two months ago is now too big. I have so many fantastic things to look forward to.

PSSSTTTT Mostly going to Disney without the kids.